The Diamond Dogs
Spring Sports

My joy is two-fold. While on one hand, it's such a milestone that my little man will be playing his first ball game. On the other hand, will be a new Nikon with hopefully it's AF-S DX VR 55-200 mm lens!
Ulterior motive. I know. But I am excited to be able to get really good shots like my friend Anissa does of her girls pictured above. Sports composites are my thing these days and I am having so much fun designing. Hopefully, with the new purchase, not only will I be able to put them together with the photos that parents give me, I will be able to come out and take photos myself for composites and shows.
Everyone wins!
Now, if someone could explain it to my husband again I would appreciate it!
Sports Cards

Happy Anniversary

Snow Day--Hoping for at least one more...
Just a quick one put together after our "snow event" here in the south. Most of the photos were taken by me, with the really good close-up shots taken by Anissa's super camera. :) It was so cold that day, that I could only take a photo or two before my lens would start to fog up. Plus, I didn't want it to get wet. Even if it's only a Canon Powershot! (SD600)
Snow Moms
No Training Wheels!

Softball Trailer
I just had to post this. I joked with Lee and Anissa that since I am working on a show of epic proportions, that it really deserved a trailer of it's own.
This was quickly put together just to make them laugh. Since I accomplished that this morning, I thought I would go ahead and post it here. I may go in and tweak it a little if I get a chance, but given this weeks projects, it may just have to wait. :)
Holiday Memories
Holiday wrap-up show complete. So much fun. Especially when the people in it are so nice. :)